How did we get here?

Avoiding conflict rather than expressing your needs may seem easier. But getting into this pattern leads to resentment and pulls you further apart. You either stop talking about the things that matter, or you’re fighting constantly.

Things aren’t working. The connection has faded.

“I’m lonely, even when we we’re together.”
“He doesn’t look at me the same way.”
“She never listens to me.”
“We used to have sex ALL the time. Now, it’s practically nonexistent.”
“Everything I do irritates him/her.”

“I believe three of the most important words anyone can say are not I love you, but I hear you.”

~Oprah Winfrey

Relationships change… don’t get stuck during the transition

Relationship distress can feel overwhelming. Couples therapy can provide the relief you’re looking for.

Whether your goal is to achieve greater intimacy and passion or to decide if it’s time to throw in the towel, support and guidance from a caring professional can help.

Things can get better!

You don’t have to settle for an unsatisfying relationship… you can be happy TOGETHER. Imagine coming home and seeing your partner’s eyes light up when you walk in the door… or sharing a piece of yourself with someone who is fully engaged?

Couples therapy is a way to develop a deep and lasting intimate connection.

And for each of you individually, couples therapy can help you recognize your emotions, express feelings in a healthy way, verbalize your needs, and be fully vulnerable with your partner.

Open communication allows both you and your partner to feel respected and heard. And it increases intimacy, friendship, love, and connection.

What if one or both of us wants to end things?

Sometimes being a couple doesn’t make sense anymore. That’s okay. You may decide to transform the relationship into something new… maybe co-parents or friends.

Couples therapy can help you make that change with kindness and compassion… and it can help you recognize it isn’t a failed romance – just simply a relationship that’s evolved into something new.

Take time to make things better – together or separately.

Call me at (949) 549-1118! Together, we can discover the underlying causes of your disconnect. And I can help provide solutions that make sense with where you want to be.